All posts by Christine Case-Lo

Learning Challenges Resource Fair

Learning Challenges Resource Fair

Does your child need a little extra help? A lot of extra help?Looking for the right summer camp, tutoring service, or speech therapist to fit your child? What about music, art, sports? Financial planning or vocational training? Come to the LC Resource Fair to find the right providers and services to help

Crittenden Middle School
1701 Rock St, Mountain View

Friday, January 22, 6-9 pm

Please contact LCC for questions


We’ve also published our Local Resource Guide for 2016


We have 41 providers scheduled to attend, including:

Associated Learning and Language Specialists

Community Health and Awareness Council

Evo Libri

Family and Children’s Services of Silicon Valley

San Andreas Regional Center

Therapeutic Learning Consultants

Abilities United

MOCHAA- Mothers of Children with Autism and Aspergers

Gateway Learning Group

Mountain View Whisman School District Special Education and Student Services

SELPA-CAC & Learning Challenges Committee (shared table), Let’s Talk

Patty Hurley, SEAC

Ken Prodger, CFP

Law Office of Lorna J Drope

PACES: Parent Advocacy for Children in Exceptional Situations

Community School of Music and Arts

Learning Play with Chaia May

Rainbow Music Services

Down Syndrome Connection of the Bay Area

Early Support Program for Autism

Parents Education Network

Parents Helping Parents

Compass High School

Stanbridge Academy

Hope Technology


Gali Yoga

Square Peg Ranch

Via West/Via Services/Camp Altitude

Autism Social Connection at Gatepath

Children’s Services at Gatepath

Bay Area Friendship Circle

Innovative Therapy Services

Social Thinking

Camping Unlimited/Camp Krem

BOK Ranch

Meyers Learning Center

Wunderling Learning Center, Educational Therapist

The Reading Clinic

Weingarten Children’s Center

Spark Focus



Hope to see you there!

Interviewing for MVWSD Special Education Director

Thanks to everyone who participated in the parent focus group for selecting a new Director of Special Education and Student Services for the Mountain View Whisman School District!

The Learning Challenges Committee has been charged with selecting 3 parents to serve on the interviewing committee. Interviews will take place soon, on Monday, April 13, and will likely take all day. If you have the time to serve as an interviewer and the interest, please reply to this email as we will be making the selection very soon.

We are looking for an array of parents, a range of needs (some 504, some IEP, some mainstream, some SDC), different diagnoses, English Language Learners, etc. Any experience as an interviewer in another capacity is also a plus.

Thank you and hope to hear from you soon!

Meeting 3/10 – Local Control and Accountability Plan Discussion and Common Core Discussion

The Learning Challenges Committee is hosting a discussion meeting regarding special education, the LCAP plan, and Common Core impact. Monday, March 10, 6-8 pm in the District Office.

The first half of the meeting will be about LCAP. Cindy Loleng-Perez, Director of Special Education and Cathy Baur, Curriculum Director, will be discussing the Local Control and Accountability Plan. The LCAP plan will detail educational agencies’ actions and expenditures to support student outcomes and overall performance. The District is asking for input from families of students with special needs with regards to the LCAP. The second half of the meeting is a parent-led discussion of the impact of Common Core implementation on those with learning challenges. What are your concerns?
See you on 3/10!

El comité para problemos de aprendizaje está organizando una reunión de discusión con respecto a la educación especial, el plan LCAP, y Common Core impacto. Lunes, 10 de marzo, 6-8 pm en la Oficina del Distrito.

La primera mitad de la reunión será sobre LCAP. Cindy Loleng-Pérez, Directora de Educación Especial y Cathy Baur, Director de Currículo, discutirá el control local y el Plan de Responsabilidad. El plan será LCAP acciones y gastos detalle agencias educativas “para apoyar los resultados de los estudiantes y el rendimiento general. El Distrito está pidiendo aportaciones de las familias de los estudiantes con necesidades especiales con respecto a la LCAP. La segunda mitad de la reunión es una discusión dirigida por el padre de los efectos de la aplicación Common Core en los que tienen problemas de aprendizaje. ¿Cuáles son sus preocupaciones?
Nos vemos el 3/10!