Autism Summer Camp 2018


Special Needs Summer Camps


Camps In the heart of Mountain View in ICAN Clinic and Cuesta Park. 

ICAN Summer Camp provides a small ratio. Counselors are all ABA Interventionists or Special Needs Specialists.


9:00am-1:00pm – June 18-29th

9:00am-1:00pm – July 9th-July 20th

First-come, first serve as the space is limited! 

Age: 3-13


$700 for the entire two weeks

Call: (650)930-9550

Study Title: The AMOR Method: Resilience Training for Parents of Children with Autism

Study Title: The AMOR Method: Resilience Training for Parents of Children with Autism

Study Information:
The goal of the study is to study the effectiveness of a novel resilience training program for parents of children (4-10 years old) with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), The AMOR Method. The program is designed to teach parents of children with ASD various resilience techniques including mindfulness, optimism, and acceptance. This treatment approach is based on several principles of resilience training, mindfulness practice, Grief and Loss Processing Therapy (GLPT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), and Optimistic Parenting. Specifically we are looking to see the different parent factors that may contribute to resilience development.

The 8-week program includes both a parent group and individual component. Parents will be asked to participate in weekly group parent training sessions at Stanford University to learn the science, foundation, and skills of the treatment from study staff as well as receive feedback on weekly homework assignments of practicing the skills outside of group. In addition, parents will enroll in three individual sessions with research staff on specific treatment content including grief and loss processing, optimistic thinking strategies, and resilience maintenance over time. We hope that by investigating what treatments are most effective in improving resilience it will aid clinicians in providing better care for parents of children with ASD.

Contact Information: 650.736.1235

Christina Ardel, M.A., BCBA

Clinical Care Coordinator

Early Support Program

650.723.ESPA (3772)

A Committee of the Los Altos-Mountain View PTA Council