Update on site representatives

Learning Challenges Committee is still looking for site representatives at each school site in the area, to let parents know about us and to let parents know there’s a group around to help. Our current representatives are:
  • Slater preschool: Philip Lee
  • Castro: Agnes Charrel-Berthillier and Maria Rangel
  • Huff: Claire Quesnel-Oueini and Karen Storer
  • Landels: Diana Parksion
We still need representatives for MV High, LA High, Graham, Crittenden, Bubb, Monta Loma, Stevenson and Theuerkauf. It’s a simple but very important job!

Looking for site representatives

The Learning Challenges Committee is looking for site representatives at each school site in the area, to let parents know about us and to let parents know there’s a group around to help.

Here is the job description.

Campus Representative

Learning Challenge Committee / Special Ed PTA  [MVWSD]

  • Introduce yourself to Principal, PTA Board, & Site Council on your campus before school starts in August.
  • Provide contact info of yourself & of the LCC to the above people as well as the school secretary for referral & to be included in the school directory.
  • Join your school PTA, attend PTA meetings, and work with the PTA board on learning challenge issues & programs on your campus. (We can ask each PTA Board to create an appointed position of LCC Rep for their campus.)
  • Be an active PTA member on your campus as much as you can.
  • Be available to talk to other parents of students with learning challenges. (*Due to privacy concerns, other parents need to come to you or be referred to you by the school with their permission. This why you need to be highly visible at school wide meetings and be introduced by the PTA president or school principal.)
  • Meet with the Principal within the first month of each semester to discuss learning challenge concerns on your campus. Be an advocate for LC students on your campus.
  • Attend LCC planning meetings to represent your campus and to help with district wide concerns and programs.
  • Be the liaison between your school PTA & LCC.
  • Recruit the LCC rep for your campus for next school year & submit the name to the PTA Board.

A Committee of the Los Altos-Mountain View PTA Council